Transform your Life with

Angelic and Usui Reiki

It has been two years since I began my Reiki journey, a transformative experience both personally and professionally. My introduction to Reiki was through my mum receiving palliative care at Willowbrook Hospice, where I saw the immense comfort and peace it brought her. I was initially apprehensive about Reiki for myself as I am not a religious person, but I realised it isn’t connected with any particular faith, and just being open-minded was enough to receive the Reiki energy. Walking into my first session, I was curious and nervous what would happen and how would I feel? The release of emotion that came out of nowhere was my first experience. Then, as the days went on after the session, I realised how much lighter I felt.

Quiet Area

Life’s problems seem to happen all at once. I had a four-year-old daughter, was peri-menopausal, trying to spend as much time as possible with a terminally ill parent while having a full-time job, and trying my best to be “happy”. I look back and think, how was I “functioning”? Sometimes it’s just okay to not be okay and ask for help. I certainly benefited from asking, and it came in the form of Reiki.

It is my pleasure to offer Angelic and Usui Reiki, specialising in issues that Reiki has immensely helped me with, from menopause symptoms, stress, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, hot flushes, brain fog, to coping with grief.

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